The Caribbean and European countries are coveted destinations that potential migrants around the world look out for relocations. More than just relocation they are found to be inclined towards settling down in these countries with citizenship. There is no wonder in it considering the high quality of life, scenic landscapes, and the passport privileges offered by these regions. Citizenship by investment in the Caribbean and Europe seems to be the fastest route that will be of help in this direction.
The way ahead is simple yet requires considerable resources. Popularly known as Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) this way offers citizenship in return for significant investments. For Caribbean countries like St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda and Dominica real estate investments, business ventures, and donations are the routes to citizenship. When it comes to Europe there is Malta and North Macedonia that offer citizenship in exchange for a contribution to national development funds or property investments.
The following sections are intended to give a glimpse of such programs so that you don’t miss out on those opportunities.
A government donation of 100,000 dollars for four family members or an amount of 125,000 dollars for five family members is one way to citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda. Since it accommodates a family it could turn out to be cost effective. Another pathway to citizenship here is the investment of a minimum of 200,000 USD in authorized real estate. Since it can offer a return on investment in the long run this could be the ideal pathway to citizenship if you have extra dollars to invest.
Grenada requires a donation of USD 150,000 to the National Transformation Fund or a legitimate real estate investment amounting to USD 220,000 to participate in its CIP. It is renowned for a quick processing time and eligibility to apply for an E-2 USA visa once you reside in the country for 3 years.
Donations for citizenship in Dominica vary as per family size:
If real estate investment is your way forward, a minimum investment of USD 200,000 along with an additional fee of USD 35,000 is the requirement.
In Europe, only a couple of countries offer Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP). Some of them are listed below.
Malta offers citizenship by naturalization for exceptional services given that you invest a certain amount of money in the economy of the country. However, it should be complemented with a residency in Malta of 12 months or 36 months. If it is 12 months the investment will be EUR 750,000. For 36 months the investment requirement reduces to EUR 600,000.
The way to citizenship through investment in other European countries such as North Macedonia and Spain are either on hold or require a transition from residency to citizenship that may take years. Navigate Migrate is keen on such ripples in the CIP in Europe. We will make sure that you are updated on the same.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. More opportunities await aspiring immigrants in Caribbean countries. The scene of Europe may appear to be lackluster. But opportunities present themselves in front of those seeking it with dedication.
You may not have the dedication or insights to catch up on such fluctuating opportunities in citizenship by investment Caribbean and Europe. That is why we Navigate Migrate is here to give the necessary information on time. Connect with us to explore your options further.